Sunday, August 21, 2011

The American Teenager

When I think of the phrase 'the American Teenager' I think of my friends because they are all American and all teenagers. If I had to explain what an American teenager was to an outsider I would tell them that an American teenager is a person  generally with a cell phone and an i pod, they go to school and they hang out with friends.
Who is the American teenager? The American teenager is someone who works as hard as they can at school, and as hard as they can at their job, their dreams and goals are to go to college, to get a nice job and a nice family. They may seem to only care about boys, or friends but at night as they do their homework they are probably thinking of their future. An American teenager is someone who cares and loves.

1 comment:

  1. Did you draw your picture?

    I think it's interesting that when you think of the American Teenager, you think of them with technology. Did you know the average teenager spends 8-10 hours consuming media? It's interesting to think about how much this media influence is impacting teenage culture. The way you communicate, spend your time, and form relationships.
